Beaming with Planetary Pulsations ~ 07 Apr 2023

Lately, it has been all over the news that Earth now receives coherent radio bursts from a source in space only 12.04 light years distant. It does seem the effort is to imply that LGM (little green men) are behind it all... that aliens live just down the universal block. While that may be true, the emanations now detected occur at 2.02 day periods related to the magnetic star–planet interactions (SPIs) of an exoplanet and its star. The exoplanet is YZ Ceti b that with other stars orbits YZ Ceti. Because of the closeness of the planet to its star, the temperature is extremely hot and this exoplanet does not reside in the Goldilocks Zone of the potential for supporting life - at least as we understand life. Sorry, it’s just a groovy magnetic interaction that produces radio waves. No aliens are behind the radio signals despite their “coherence.”

Where is this thing that’s causing all the fuss? This planet’s star system is in Cetus the whale and weighs in at 10 Aries 05.

Also presently in Aries, are the Sun, the centaur Chiron, and the planets Jupiter, Eris and Vesta. No doubt this time could be touted as one in which those tracking the planetary influences beam the best of all personal attributes with confidence and certainty as to the desired anticipated outcome of such coherent emanations.

On 23 April Jupiter advances to stand conjunct Eris - a transit which marks the inclusion of all, affirmation of life pursuit, and the realization that achievement may be at hand as a result of proactive efforts taken. Indeed it is a time when any previous sensation of being left behind by life organically heals with affirmed action, a sense of self worth, and optimism.

All this even though, the Jupiter to Eris alignment occurs during the next Mercury retrograde in Taurus. There’s always something.

My forecast for 2023 into 2024 predicts this is a time when collectively people can make hay despite life and worldly conditions. It takes grit. It takes grease and grind. It takes gracious gregariousness. In fact, the upcoming Jupiter to Eris transit of self proclamation sets up a significant Leo phenomena that we must all prepare to exploit in the interest of conjuring gains in life that stand as not only gratifying, but evolving, too.

Two days before Jupiter and Eris match wits with the greatest intensity Mercury retrogrades as the Sun enters Taurus 21 April. This retrograde ends when Mercury turns prograde on 15 May. About a day and a half later or so, on 16 May, Jupiter enters Taurus. The point here is two fold: There is an organized sequential strategy that the planets support that naturally yields optimal results when well applied; There is always something going on planet-wise that one might use as a means of excusing the need for progressive action.

Less than a week after Jupiter enters Taurus, Mars takes the stage in Leo come 20 May.

Venus, waiting in the wings, steps to her ingress in Leo on 5 June. She loves the Leo lights so much, she wants to bask a while longer. So, she retrogrades on 23 July. She remains retrograde until 4 September when she pauses, then inches prograde... the same day that Jupiter retrogrades. See, there’s always something.

Venus remains in Leo until 9 October - a performance of four months by the classical planet least likely to engage in retrograde motion.

During Venus retrograde, Mercury in Virgo retrogrades again. See, there’s always something one can use to explain shunning progress.

Here’s a huge thing. During the course of Mars and Venus in Leo this year, commencing in slightly more than a month, these personal planets will advance to square the gaseous giants Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Suggestively, applying the determined momentum of said squares with Leonine self-assuredness makes the most of all opportunities that promise advancement in life and shifts gears to apply new behaviors that support extracting the best from all life opportunities, bar none.

To keep the eye on the longer term prizes in life, on 21 April 2024 Jupiter conjoins Uranus in Taurus. This transit marks a completion of any amazing cycle of accomplishment and good getting while the getting’s good that is currently in play and reaches a significant start-up check point on 23 April 2023 as Jupiter aligns with Eris.

This April requires queuing up. Get yourself going and get in the dang line. While waiting your planetary audition as it were, set yourself apart with distinction, confidence and clarity of purpose. Simply the way one stands, the coherent pulsations that come from the chakras within and beam through the aura makes all the difference in the world.

Come May both Mars and Venus demand one participate in all life events with extreme assuredness, affable articulation and acting like you mean it. Mean it means demonstrate impeccable understanding and application of all life skills and talents. Apply them fully with the panache those efforts deserve. This is a no-boasting, bravado-free zone. You just do it and what you’ve done speaks for itself and perhaps if well-polished goes beyond speaking into brilliant beaming and the dazzle that results.

Soulful self-certainty is key. Speaking up for oneself is paramount. Demonstrating can-do confidence and showing up present and accounted for when the opening appears... even if Mercury is retrograde or some other astrological configuration cattywampus... you go Nike and Just Do It! After all, like Mercury, Nike is winged and is in fact the goddess of victory in both war and peaceful competition.

In the next SkyScraping, I will detail the Venus and Mars (and other Leo) transits to Jupiter and Uranus. These aspects may require some personal culling of non-productive habits and grooming forward-facing favorable traits, thus gaining a notable head start on the transiting stimulations makes a heap of sense.

Stand by... more soon.